The Strategy for Subjugating and Dominating Humans


How does the Money Trust dominate the marketplace? Charles Darwin provided -- perhaps unwittingly -- not only the scientific prescription, but the scientific justification for domination. In The Origin of Species, Darwin argued "that individuals having any advantage, however slight, over others, would have the best chance of surviving . . ."1 [my emphasis].

Financial Darwinists chose to interpret "Natural Selection or the Survival of the Fittest"2 to mean that their financial fitness can be improved by acquiring "advantages, however slight," over others, and that the subjugation of others was natural. It did not matter whether the advantages were merited or not; after all, Darwin wrote "[m]an selects only for his own good."3 Even more importantly, Ecclesiastes revealed,-- and this was pointed out by Hayek --, "that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill . . ." [Ecclesiastes 9:11].

The strategy would therefore be simple. All financial Darwinists have to do is:


To paraphrase Voltaire, if Darwin didn't exist, the Money Trust would have had to invent him! -- not because he provided new scientific knowledge, but because he provided authoritative scientific legitimacy for what Darwinists have been doing long before any Darwinian theories could be formulated.

The Law of God? Capitalists, like John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, were thrilled with Darwinistic theories of survival of the fittest. "The growth of a large business . . . is not an evil tendency in business," Rockefeller held, but "merely a survival of the fittest . . . merely the working-out of a law of nature and a law of God."5

It is interesting to note that Rockefeller was a philanthropist. According to Zinn, he helped found the University of Chicago.6 Coincidentally, the University of Chicago has long been an intellectual bastion for Capitalism -- an academic base for a distinguished group of economists, such as Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek . . .

Ant "Slavery." Of course, Capitalists have never needed fraudulent Darwinistic interpretations of the theory of evolution to exploit or plunder in the marketplace. All they needed was to mimic the behavior of ants. Servitude is alive and well in antdom. Some ant colonies constantly fight neighboring ant colonies. The victorious ants enslave the defeated ants.7 Could have men learned the benefits of slavery from ants?

More than 2300 years ago, Aristotle explained how slavery and limited servitude -- were the condition sine qua non for leisure and the good life for freemen. The "good life" is reserved for the "natural master" who is fit to rule the "natural slaves" of the "household."8

The Dark Depths of Malthusian Doctrine. In a notorious essay, first published in 1798, Rev. Malthus, contemplated the "great question" regarding "the future fate of mankind":

". . . whether man shall henceforth start forwards with accelerated velocity towards illimitable, and hitherto unconceived improvement, or be condemned to a perpetual oscillation between happiness and misery, and after every effort remain still at an immeasurable distance from the wished-for goal"9 [my italics].

Malthus, apparently, did not believe in the "perfectibility of the mass of mankind,"10 as advocated by the Marquis de Condorcet and by William Godwin. He insisted that one must "read God as he is" -- and not as we wished Him to be.11 For this, he argued, one must (following the lead of the physicist Newton) read the book of nature. So, what did the book of nature reveal to Rev. Malthus? It revealed the seeds of Darwinistic doctrine:

  1. Mind is formed out of matter. Beings rose from "specks of matter" and many evolved to "high qualities and powers as seem to indicate their fitness for some superior state"12 [my italics].
  2. If "virtue" exists, then its opposite, "moral evil," must also exist.13
  3. Man's activities are driven by "the wants of the body." These activities are excited and stimulated by "evil." Malthus held that "[e]vil exists in the world not to create despair but activity"14 [my emphasis].
  4. Vices are "invincible." Therefore, man and society are essentially not perfectible. There is essentially not much the rich can do to ameliorate the "condition of the lower classes of mankind."15
  5. Hell does not exist. As "a merciful and righteous Being," God cannot condemn His own creatures, even the evil among them, to "eternal suffering."16 In his Epistle to the Romans, St. Paul wrote "the wages of sin is death" [Romans 6:23]. Therefore, Malthus concluded, the wages of sin are not eternal torment in Hell.

Malthus' doctrine of natural selection is a prostitution of reason -- packaged as God's law. Evil does excite activity, but, notwithstanding Malthusian logic, it is a sure cause of much misery and despair. One can easily apprehend how Malthusian logic can be used to prostitute reason to the interests of rapacious Capitalists:

  1. Man should preferably be virtuous -- but he does not need to be, he merely has to avoid evil.
  2. Exploitation enhances the survival of the exploiter; it is therefore a mark of fitness and superiority.
  3. Despite their superiority, there is not much the rich can do to help the "lower classes." Large corporations, therefore, do not have to have a social responsibility.17 Their only responsibility is to maximize profits for their stockholders. This defective, subversive maxim is promoted by the brain trust of Capitalism.
  4. The "moral excellence" of Man derives from the "evil" that excites him -- to act qua Capitalist.
  5. Should his rapacious exploitation condemn others to misery, the Capitalist can rest assured that he would not be punished eternally in hell!

Perverted interpretations of Malthusian doctrine provided some of the most deceptive justifications for plunder -- as stimuli for Dominion and Empire building. "Evil temptations" may well have excited the "moral excellence" of Empire builders. But even Malthusians have to read "evil" as it really is -- and not as they fancy it to be. A new reading of the "book of nature" should not surprise Malthus: the sun has set on the Empire -- from Hong Kong to Palestine to Ireland to Québec. It will no doubt set next on rapacious Capitalism. The wages of sin are death. These wages also apply to evil empires -- political and corporate.

Was Darwin Fit? The capitalists' insistence upon fitness in the marketplace raises interesting questions:

  1. Was Darwin fit? According to Peter Medawar, the Nobel Prize Winner for Medicine in 1960, Darwin was "a sick man" for the last 40 years of his life.18 Furthermore, three of Darwin's ten children died early; one was a retarded child.19
  2. What about Rev. Malthus? According to Antony Flew, Malthus suffered a "cleft palate." Apparently, this congenital condition "ran in the family."20
  3. What about Karl Marx? Marx was no model of perfection: he and his "aristocratic" wife Jenny lost three of their six children -- partly because of poverty.21

Why am I telling you this? Because the fitness of Man as Man derives from intellect and virtues -- and not from the biological fitness of Man as Animal.


1 See Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species (1859), in Darwin, 2nd ed., edited by Philip Appleman, 1970 and 1979, at 54 (advantage and survival).

2 Ibid., at 54 ("Survival of the Fittest").

3 Ibid., at 56 ("[m]an selects only for his own good").

4 See Howard Zinn, A People's History of the United States, 1492-Present, 1980 and 1985, at 99 (biases in contracts between rich and poor).

5 Quoted in W.J. Ghent, Our Benevolent Feudalism (1902), at 29 (cited in Richard Hofstadter, The Vogue of Spencer (1955), in Darwin, 2nd ed., edited by Philip Appleman, 1979 and 1990, at 397).

6 See Howard Zinn, A People's History of the United States, 1492-Present, 1980 and 1995, at 256.

7 See Bert Hölldobler and Edward Wilson, Journey to the Ants, 1994, at 126-131.

8 See Aristotle, Politics, translated by Ernest Barker, revised with an Introduction and Notes by R.F. Stalley, at xvi-xvii (the institution of slavery), 13-17 (1253b23-1254b39, on slavery), 67-68 (especially 1269a29, on serfs and Helots), 97-99 (especially 1278b30, on the "natural master" and the "natural slave"), and 330 (Explanatory Note 1260b on "limited servitude").

9 See Thomas Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798 and 1830), edited with an Introduction by Antony Flew, 1970, at 67 ("the great question").

10 Ibid., at 72 and 124 (argument against the "perfectibility of man"), and 168-170 (Godwin's argument for, and Malthus' argument against, perfectibility; Godwin's Political Justice).

11 Ibid., at 201-204 ("read God as he is").

12 Ibid., at 214 ("fitness for some superior state"). Malthus' influence on Darwin is corroborated in Darwin's own Autobiography, see Note 47 at 284.

13 Ibid., at 210 (high probability that "moral evil is absolutely necessary for the production of moral excellence").

14 Ibid., at 217 ("[e]vil exists in the world not to create despair but activity").

15 Ibid., at 170 (vices are invincible), and 172 (the rich cannot help the poor achieve economic equality).

16 See Thomas Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population, edited with an Introduction by Antony Flew, 1970, at 215 (no eternal suffering), 215 ("the wages of sin are death"), and 214-217; (rejection of the doctrine of Hell).

17 On social responsibility, see Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom, 1982, at 133-136 (Social Responsibility of Business and Labor).

18 See Peter B. Medawar, The Strange Case of the Spotted Mice, 1996, at 52-58.

19 See Robert Wright, The Moral Animal: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology, 1994, at 176-177.

20 See Flew's Introduction to Malthus' Principle of Population, 1970, at 8.

21 See Karl Marx, Capital (Vol. 1, 1867; Vol. 2, 1885; and Vol. 3, 1894), edited with an Introduction by David McLellan, 1995, at i and xxxi.





Plate 11-1
Plate 11-1   The Real Capitalist Economic Order: How the Economic Successes of Capitalism Can Kill Capitalism

According to Schumpeter, the very successes of Capitalism will ultimately kill capitalism. "Monopolistic practices"1 create huge concentrations of wealth -- and power. Such successes, at the expense of the citizen, inevitably lead to general dissent and hostility2 -- in some cases (e.g., Canada), to the potential breakup of the country.

1 Joseph A. Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (1942), 3rd ed., 1942, 1947, 1950, and 1976, at 87-106 (Monopolistic Practices).
2 Ibid., at 131-142 (Crumbling Walls), and 143-163 (Growing Hostility).

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Plate 11-2



The champions of Capitalism insist that a free marketplace is the condition sine qua non for political freedom. People must be able to exchange goods and services freely, without coercion.2 My dispute with the champions has nothing to do with the indispensability or essentiality of free exchange -- but everything to do with net advantages masquerading as virtuous free exchange.

Hayek claimed that "freedom is inseparable from rewards," and rewards "have no connection with merit."3 People who play the marketplace game -- the "game of catallaxy" -- according to the "rules of just conduct" are not guaranteed a "just" outcome.4 This doctrine is consistent with Ecclesiastes 9:11: swiftness, strength, wisdom, understanding, and skill, do not guarantee the outcome of the race; only "time and chance" do.

This doctrine can be wickedly distorted to legitimize fraudulent deviations from fairness and justice in the marketplace.

Plate 11-2   
The Market "Game of Catallaxy": The Small Player Versus the Infinitely Rich Player

Conceived as a game, the Darwinistic marketplace functions essentially as follows:

  1. All transactions (employment, mortgages, leases, purchases, insurances, pensions, etc.) are essentially gambles -- with winners and losers.
  2. Rich players (big banks, big landlords, transnationals, governments, etc.) have entrenched net advantages over small players (individuals, workers, small business owners, etc.). The game follows the Solomonic prescription in Ecclesiastes 9:11: swiftness, strength, wisdom, understanding, and skill, do not guarantee the outcome of the race; the only determinants are "time and chance." This means that the game can be rigged in favor of the big player. The teleological justification for this is Proverbs 22:7: "The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender."
  3. Propaganda instruments can be used to deceive small players into believing that the marketplace is a free enterprise system.

The object of the game is not just to maximize profits, but to build a NEW WORLD ORDER -- one in which a few big "winners" OWN AND CONTROL much of the capital in the global marketplace.

Can the small player survive in such a marketplace? Can advantaged big players ultimately reduce the small player to de Tocquevillian servitude? The Plate illustrates how a hypothetical gambling game can increase the small player's total chance of ruin.5 The game consists of a series of sequential market transactions in which each player gambles one unit per transaction. The small player has an initial capital k. His opponent is an infinitely richer player (e.g., a monopolist). The small player's chance of winning one unit from his rich opponent is p. The game stops when one of the players loses all his capital (i.e., is ruined). The graph reveals three Darwinistic strategies a rich player can use to ruin any small player:

  1. Decrease the small player's access to capital and destabilize him (decrease k).
  2. Use monopoly powers to control prices. Keep prices artificially high (increase 1/k).
  3. Secure net advantages (merited or not) over the small player. Reduce the small player's chance of winning in the marketplace, in the stock market, in the courts, etc. (decrease p).


  • Enormous financial and commercial powers in Canada are concentrated in five or six banks. The asymmetries in the powers and advantages of Big Banks over Small Business have been systematic and overwhelming.
  • Canada's business environment has been pernicious. During the period from 1990 through 1995, Canada suffered 77,050 business bankruptcies -- and 340,571 consumer bankruptcies!6
  • A significant proportion of Canada's economy is foreign controlled. For example, in 1993, about 52.3% of Canada's top 300 private companies were foreign controlled (49.7% were 100%-foreign controlled).7
  • Massive export powers are concentrated in a few corporations. In 1990, for example, only five exporters (0.07% of all exporters) controlled about 21.2% of total exports; the last 61,781 exporters (98.6%) controlled only 14%!8
  • The empirical evidence from Canada's courts corroborates substantial judicial biases. Peter McCormick provided the following statistics (based on Reported Provincial Appeal Court Decisions, 1920-1990): the net litigation advantage of Big Business (banks, insurance companies, and major corporations) was +21.1%; by contrast, the net litigation advantage of Other Businesses (including Small and Medium Enterprises) was -4.8%, and that of Individuals was -7.2%.9


1 On the operation of the market -- as a "game of catallaxy" --, see Friedrich A. Hayek, Law, Legislation and Liberty, Vol. 2, 1976, at 107-132 (The Market Order or Catallaxy).
2 On transactions in the "free private enterprise exchange economy," see Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom, with the assistance of Rose D. Friedman, 1962 and 1982, at 7-21 (The Relation Between Economic Freedom and Political Freedom).
3 See Friedrich A. Hayek, Law, Legislation and Liberty, Vol. 2, 1976, at 120.
4 Ibid., at 126.
5 On the gambler's ruin, see Norman T.J. Bailey, The Elements of Stochastic Processes with Applications to the Natural Sciences, 1964, at 24-37 (Random Walk Models).
6 Bankruptcy Branch, Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada (Canadian consumer and business bankruptcies).
7 On the top 1000 companies in Canada in 1993, see The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Magazine, July 1994.
8 For Canadian export statistics, see Paul Toriel et al., Financing the New Economy, Towards a Positive Conspiracy, Industry Canada, June 1994 (cited sources: ESBO, Industry Canada, and Statistics Canada).
9 Peter McCormick, Canada's Courts, 1994, at 157 (Table 10.1: Success Rates, By Litigant Category; Reported Canadian Provincial Appeal Court Decisions, 1920-1990), and 164 (Table 10.3: Reversal Rate as Appellant and Respondent By Type of Litigant; Supreme Court Decisions 1949-1992).

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Plate 11-3
Plate 11-3   The Road to Freedom: Practical Steps For Increasing Your Economic Survival in a Darwinistic Economy

What can you do to avoid servitude in a Darwinistic economy? Increase your Darwinian fitness (see previous Plate):

  1. Increase your initial capital (increase k). Be vigilant: avoid doing business with a lender who can arbitrarily or capriciously reduce your capital (e.g., by suddenly freezing, reducing, or calling your loan); avoid giving a lender a personal guarantee -- unless he gives you his equivalent guarantee in writing; avoid vulture capital masquerading as venture capital. Adopt Benjamin Franklin's motto: never sacrifice your liberty for security.
  2. Lower the cost of every transaction (decrease 1/k). Be informed: shop for the best price; do not depend on free trade -- there is no free lunch.
  3. Augment your chance of winning (increase p). Organize small players. Protect your own economic interests: start a personal defense fund; develop a strategy with countermeasures and counter-countermeasures; fight vigorously for your economic rights. Demand that the legislature and the judiciary eliminate all unfair, unjust, and unmerited net advantages. Fire politicians who do not comply.

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Plate 11-4




  • Utilitarianism is a pragmatic mercantile calculus of rights and morality,1 based on the insights, conscience, and wisdom of philosophers-accountants, purporting to MAXIMIZE HAPPINESS.2
  • The utility of rights and justice are linked to the need for security of life, limb, and property.3
  • The quantity and quality of a person's rights are derived from the person's need for security. Therefore, if a person has no property, then he has no rights.4
  • Historically, many utilitarians believed that if slavery could promote the greatest happiness then slave labor would be exploited -- until it became absolutely wrong to do so.


  • Darwinistic beliefs are based on a defective interpretation of Darwin's empirical findings.
  • Darwin's theory posits that the "[s]truggle for Life [is] most severe between individuals and varieties of the same species";5 and that individuals having "any advantage, however slight, over others"6 have a better chance of survival and procreation.
  • Capitalists interpreted the theory to mean, that to survive and breed more money, you have to be Darwinistically fit -- that is, you must give yourself advantages, however slight, merited or not, over others.
  • While Man is descended from some lower form, he is most dominant.7 Therefore, the subjugation of others is a NATURAL and acceptable part of the social and economic order.


  • The evolution of Darwinistic capitalism, if unchecked, will culminate with a few global organizations controlling most of the peoples' economic transactions.
  • Electronic and digital technology (computers, telecommunications, global positioning satellites, databases, software, etc.) is currently available to start the Orwellian8 process of dominion.


  • Inevitably, the process of economic dominion would be perceived as a destructive colonization of man himself.
  • General hostilities9 against Orwellian control would result in the Creative Destruction10 of brutal social and economic dominion -- that is, in WORLD WAR III.
  • Conditions for better and fitter democracies would emerge. The People would force governments to match rights and advantages with specific duties and responsibilities.

Plate 11-4   From Darwinistic Utilitarianism to Orwellian Domination: A Model of the Evolution of Darwinistic Capitalism

The Model is derived from information in several sources:
1 John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism (1861) in Utilitarianism and Other Essays, edited with an Introduction by Alan Ryan, 1987, at 35 (Mill "thought that he had been brought up to be a calculating machine").
2 Ibid., at 278 ("Utility, or the Greatest Happiness Principle").
3 Ibid., at 53-55 ("need to be secure").
4 Ibid., at 57 ("Hume . . . declared that where there was no property there was no injustice").
5 Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species (1859), in Darwin, edited by Philip Appleman, 2nd ed., 1970 and 1979, at 48-50 (Struggle for Existence).
6 Ibid., at 54 ("Natural Selection, or the Survival of the Fittest").
7 See Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man (1871), in Darwin, edited by Philip Appleman, 2nd ed., 1970 and 1979, 161 ("[m]an . . . is the most dominant animal").
8 George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), 1987 and 1989.
9 Joseph A. Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (1942), with an Introduction by Tom Bottomore, 3rd ed., 1942, 1947, 1950 and 1976, at 143-155 (Growing Hostility)
10 Ibid., at 81-86 (The Process of Creative Destruction), and 59-163 (Part 2: Can Capitalism Survive?)

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Plate 11-5
Plate 11-5   Evolution of the Marketplace: Darwinistic "Advancement of the Welfare of Mankind"

This Plate deciphers mankind's advancement through the ages: Man, a lower life form, has advanced socio-biologically to the state of citizen in liberal democracies, where the archaic hell of servitude masquerades as free will.4

1 Darwin's expression; see Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man (1871), in Darwin, edited by Philip Appleman, 2nd ed., 1970 and 1979, at 207.
2 See Peter Kolchin, American Slavery 1619-1877, 1993, at 13 ("self-perpetuating labor force"; "[a]n initial investment in slaves bought a lifetime (and more) of labor").
3 See George Gaylord Simpson, The Meaning of Evolution, 1949 and 1967, at 283.
4 For a discussion of "free will and servitude as coinciding in the same existent," see Paul Ricoeur, The Symbolism of Evil, 1967, at 151-157 (Conclusion: Recapitulation of the Symbolism of Evil in the Concept of the Servile Will).

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